Caramel apple crumb cake
Caramel apple crumb cake

In eine Schüssel geben, Zitronensaft darüber träufeln, Zucker und Zimt dazugeben und alles gut vermischen. Die Äpfel vierteln, die Kerngehäuse entfernen und dann in kleine Stücke schneiden. Wer keine Apfelschale im Kuchen mag, sollte die Äpfel erst einmal schälen – ansonsten dran lassen. Bis zur weiteren Verwendung in den Kühlschrank stellen.ģ. Die Haferflocken dazugeben und untermischen. Die Butter in kleinen Stücken dazugeben und dann alles zwischen den Fingern verreiben, bis unterschiedlich große Streusel entstehen. Das Mehl für die Streusel, beide Zuckersorten, Zimt und Salz in eine große Schüssel geben und vermischen. Eine 23cm (9 inches) quadratische Backform* mit Backpapier auslegen und leicht einfetten. Den Ofen auf 170☌ (340☏) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Store in an airtight container at room temperature.ġ. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely. Bake the cake for about 55-60 minutes until the streusel got a nice color and you can see the apples bubble up here and there. Place the apples on top and sprinkle the streusel all over. Transfer the batter to the prepared baking pan and smooth out to get one even layer. Add to the bowl and fold in with a rubber spatula until just combined. Mix the flour with baking powder, cardamom, and salt. Add sour cream and vanilla extract and mix in. For the batter add the butter and sugar to a large bowl and mix until light and fluffy.

caramel apple crumb cake caramel apple crumb cake

Add to a bowl, drizzle the lemon juice over the apples, add the sugar and cinnamon and mix everything. Core the apples and cut them into small pieces. If you don’t like them with the peel on, get rid of it – otherwise, leave it on. Rub everything between your fingers until you get different-sized streusel. Add the flour, both sugars, cinnamon, and salt to a large bowl and mix to combine. Line a 9 inches (23cm) square baking pan* with some baking parchment and grease lightly. Well… as always ) INGREDIENTS / ZUTATENġ. Definitely check with a wooden skewer to test if the cake is done. If you want to turn this into a tray bake I would say you have to multiply all of the ingredients by 2.5 in order to have enough to fill the whole tray and get a similar result. I used a square baking pan* for this cake but, of course, you can use a round baking pan if you do not have a square one. I often use them as they are – only the seeds and core gets removed. They have a nice size which means peeling them is faster compared to smaller apples… if you want to peel them at all. Boskop apples ) They are my favorite apples to use tbh. I used apples called “The beauty from Boskoop” aka. I recommend using some more sour apples when making a cake like this one here. A cake with a softer topping is still great and delicious! Don’t get me wrong – nothing bad about softened streusels/crumbs. The streusels/crumbs tend to get a bit softer over time but the toasted oats stay crunchy for longer. It makes the topping slightly “healthier” and also you get a really nice crunch. I often add some rolled oats when making streusels for a cake. Love it ) Einfacher Apfel Streuselkuchen | Bake to the roots Pimped with some sour cream, vanilla extract, and cardamom. You prepare some streusels, chop apples, and whip up a batter – all really easy. The crumb cake here is really super simple to prepare. I mean… grandma made it – of course, it had to be good! )Īnyway.

caramel apple crumb cake

My grandma never baked a lot but she had a cake like this one here in her repertoire. I get a slice in the bakery around the corner sometimes (when I am too lazy to bake) and when the piece is heavy you know it will be good P Packed with apples, loads of streusel topping… that must be good, right?! I bet you know (and love) those cakes too.

caramel apple crumb cake

Quick in and out of the oven and really delicious. Done in no time and sooooooo good ) Einfacher Apfel Streuselkuchen | Bake to the roots Fall is the time to bake them, right? It’s actually not very surprising – they are laying around everywhere waiting for you to do something with them P I got some from the farmer’s market and made this really simple and easy Apple Crumb Cake today.

Caramel apple crumb cake