Skylander superchargers smash hit
Skylander superchargers smash hit

skylander superchargers smash hit skylander superchargers smash hit

  • "Just got wrecked." - defeat at the end of battle.
  • "Get your head in the game!" - Concussion.
  • "Rockin'!" - randomly when playing spells.
  • I think that's probably the best way to fix your problem, don't you? I do! Don't you? I do! You just be sure and let me know. You know I've got to tell ya, if you're having a hard time getting impressed, I'd be more than happy to get something heavy and put it on top of you - maybe a building or a mountain or something. Wow - can you imagine all the grandparents? They'd be totally unstoppable!" Unless of course one were to build a machine that could use the sheer power of rocking to propel one places.
  • "Rock and roll! Say, you know that's almost totally impossible, don't you? I mean the whole idea of rocking - you know in one perfectly still spot - and actually rolling at the same time.
  • Then, of course, I'd change my mind about goons."

    skylander superchargers smash hit

    I mean, I have all the supplies I need right now - and seriously, why would I ride a goon into town when I have a perfectly good Thump Truck. "That's funny, Buzz, cuz I didn't even really need to go to town.Not pie the number, I mean pie the pie - you know apple, berry, cherry, rutabaga? Terrible pie that rutabaga. "Driving?! Driving?!! I'm an excellent driver! No question! Well, actually I do have a question - but not about driving.Which is silly cuz what can you do with half a plate? Right?" Which was great except for the fact his mother ran a china shop. Wait till I get started! You know I had a cousin one time who came in like a wrecking ball. Do you know what you mean? 'Cuz I don't know what you mean. You ARE seeing me right now, right Buzz? Just checking. "Those numbers are crackin'!" - when checking stats."Time for some action!" - upon entering a vehicle.His scrapped signature Relic is the Cement Slinger, which adds up to debuffs by damaging the targets. His special ability is Ground Pound, ensnaring an enemy, and his signature gear is the Rip Chain, which only gives him a small boost in attack but also makes him retaliate when he is attacked directly. In Skylanders: Battlecast, he can also summon the Thump Truck via rift to run over enemies quickly, and cause a shockwave that temporarily immobilizes enemies. Smash Hit can use his large ball and chain to crush enemies in various ways, and detach them to attack with the chain and leave the ball attacking on its own. When Master Eon noticed his skill, he enlisted the talented Warsupial into a new wrecking crew he was forming to take on Kaos - the SuperChargers! Smash Hit liked his job because it allowed him to do what he loved most - break things! He was so skillful with his wrecking ball that he could single-handedly dismantle an entire Arkeyan Conquertron in under an hour and still have time for a snack. But in more peaceful times, his people were responsible for locating and demolishing any remaining artifacts from the Arkeyan Empire that were deemed too dangerous to leave standing. Smash Hit came from a long line of Warsupials - a rare species widely renowned for their skills in combat. He is also a real chatterbox when having a conversation, as revealed in his interactions with Buzz during his Quests in SuperChargers.

    skylander superchargers smash hit

    However when not battling evil, he tends to destroy old objects at the Skylanders Academy that no longer prove useful to its inhabitants ( Buzz in particular). As his name suggests, Smash Hit loves demolishing objects (particularly remnants of the Arkeyans that were too dangerous to leave rusting).

    Skylander superchargers smash hit